Heckel Bassoon 11969

last updated Thu, 16 Apr 2020 22:54:45 GMT


Silver plated keywork, A♭/B♭ trill, D/E♭ left and right hand trill, right thumb whisper key, left thumb whisper key lock, A-bridge (R.H. 4th finger high-A), high-E bridge. Rollers between all right thumb keys, F/A♭ keys, Whisper key/D♭, low D/C, E♭/D♭. Neck Strap attachment under left thumb attached to posts, not body. Balance hanger. Fully lined boot (both sides)


Known owners: 2

Observed Sales Listings:
  • (01/1988) undefined
  • (08/2004) undefined
  • (08/2005) bassoon.org
  • (12/2005) undefined